03 October 2007

How Are We Going To Do This?

Some of you have expressed curiosity about the communication logistics of the project. So I'd like to explain how we have set up the system to not only receive the GPS satellite signals but also to communicate from Canada to Chile.

This true wonderment is due to the technical skills of Mark Prostor and Don McCall. Thanks are due to them both for all of their work. And there has been a great deal of that.

So, here is how it all works. The Argos satellite flies over and receives the GPS signals generated by the backpack transmitter (where our bird is at the time). These signals are stored in the satellite and downloaded later to another land computer. Then they are displayed on the Argos website for subscribers. We get a latitude and longitude for the transmitter and an indication of the quality of the signal. However, we never know quite when these will come in during the day.

Don, who apparently never needs to sleep, is usually the first to check the signals. If Linda is moving, he will call me on my cell phone, sometimes at 0400. If he can't reach me by phone, he will e-mail the location of the bird to me. Mark backs up the process. As I drive along the route, I am always looking for a WIFI hotspot to connect to on my laptop. So far, I have mostly found them in hotel lobbies and at some restaurants along major highways. They are starting to overlook me now in the lobby of the Country Inn here in Thompson.

Afterwards, both Mark and Don will put the new locations on the FRG website so you can all follow along.

Later, when we get to more remote locations where there is no WIFI, I can pick up signal coordinates on our satellite telephone. Mark will be joining me to install it next week. It was late because of manufacturing delays. This system will also provide locations for our truck, Lula Belle, three times a day. You'll all be able to see when I am at a beach somewhere (which is sounding better and better right now).

So that, in general, is how it works.

And we hope that you are all enjoying the migration.